Tuesday, April 11, 2017

A Blessed Holy Week to All

In this time of uncertainty and fear, let us take refuge in openness to God, who is beyond what we can conceive of or imagine, which faith is recapitulated this week. May you all have a blessed Holy Week and Triduum, and a very Happy Easter.


Someone just sent me the following: I can't resist posting it.


Articles of Faith

This mounted event for rider and ass is held weekly and should be attended by all who wish to be included among the Chosen. Any rider who fails to turn up will be disqualified. The course for examining the Articles of Faith is modelled on that of the showjumping arena.

The first obstacle is a fence commonly referred to as Original Sin. Built as it is of natural materials, it is perhaps surprising that all competitors save one female have fallen at it. This is usually blamed on asses shying when they catch sight of the snake woven into the wattle hurdle. N.B. Riders by the name of Balaam are given a bye here..

Original Sin is followed by the water jump, which poses no real difficulties as a wetting is obligatory: extra points are given for total immersion.

Atonement, a triple jump, is typical of the course in presenting three problems in one. Some commentators with a C. of E. background like to call it At-one-ment, to the confusion of French and German competitors, not to mention visiting Poles. The parts, in ascending height and difficulty, are Moral Example, Substitution and Ransom. Betting on the last two elements is widespread and indeed encouraged.

The Wall, also known as the Creed, is solidly built to prevent dislodgment of individual bricks, allowed at other venues with less stringent rules. A big jump, it must be cleared the first time.

If these obstacles are successfully negociated the competitor will probably get round the rest of the course, though should he or she lose points, in grave cases risking elimination, there is a tricky in-and-out known as Confession, where faults incurred earlier can be wiped out by a course inspector, on condition of proceeding on one’s knees, leading Br. Ass by the bridle.

This event should be engaged in and ideally completed weekly to ensure that riders retain their place among the Chosen. The water jump is missed out after the first round.

Those temperamentally unsuited to the event sometimes stumble onto a narrow out-of-the-way track, where other dimensions are in play, the linear being revealed as redundant. Here time is no more. Birth, death, and the four seasons are co-existent. Logical process is by-passed. All is perceived in the round. The only narrative is that of faith, which, lit by glory, is rendered indefinable, past comprehending, true, and thus adorable.

Anyone who claims to understand will end lying face-down in the dust; that much is sure.


Anonymous The Rev. Susan Creighton said...

Priceless! Clearly, the author is at the top of her/his form in competing in the spiritual Olympics.

Glad you're back, Maggie. Hope to hear more about your retreat...without impinging unduly on your second volume of "Silence" of course.

5:38 pm, April 21, 2017  
Blogger The Waystead Watch said...

Glad you are back, too.

4:13 pm, April 26, 2017  

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